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This blog contains insightful articles dealing with a wide range of cyber security topics.  Blogs are submitted by a number of contributors inclusive of blogs authored by Security Truth.  If you wish to submit a blog then contact us


The following rules are to be followed when submitting a blog:

  1. No profanity.  This includes masking of profanity.

  2. All facts are to be referenced.

  3. No shaming of individuals.

  4. Opinions about companies, organisations, governments, countries, industries and technology must be within the subject of the article/blog post.

  5. Blog posts which are dedicated solely on selling a product or endorsing a company's services will be not allowed e.g. Company advertising.

  6. Blog posts are to be well written, free from spelling mistakes and grammatical errors.

  7. Where blog posts are written in other languages (not in English) it is encourage to provide a English translation.  If this is not possible Security Truth will endeavor to translate the posts on a best efforts basis.  Note the blog posts will be published in both languages.

  8. Blog posts are provided to Security Truth freely and there is no expectation of financial remuneration.

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